
Gender Gazing

Gender Gazing


Gender Gazing / A Research on Male and Female Representation in Film & Photography. BA Thesis written in English.

/ dimensions: 15 x 19 cm

/ designed and bound by: Zuzanna Loch

/ RISO printed, hot pink ink on peachy paper!!

 * Very limited stock due to the slow process of making this book.

Short introduction:

The start of my thesis came from daily confrontation of a very male-gaze-oriented-poster hanging in my hallway. During this period of time I started to question about ‘the female gaze’, I kept seeing this term on my social media newsfeed. I was confused what the term ment, it showed up everywhere, especially in the photography field, yet nobody was defining this ‘female gaze’. Is the female gaze about how women look at women? Or is it perhaps the opposite of a counter-reaction to the male gaze? Is the female gaze about feminism? Or is it something else? In this thesis I am trying to define and understand the female gaze by discussing different forms of gazing; the male gaze, female gaze and queer gaze. How does gazing affect our identity and representation in film and photography? And how does this defines me as a maker?

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